Talk mail message                                                        Friday, May 31st

High School Dragon Boat teams are racing on Jones Lake this afternoon.  We wish all teams good luck!


Thank you to all who participated and volunteered at our recent May Day last evening as we celebrate new and old Highlanders.  Many smiles were seen as events finished last evening!

We will acknowledge our Highlanders for their outstanding efforts next week with teachers presenting certificates to students for their accomplishments, the Awards Ceremony on Wednesday and our final assembly of the year in the middle of the day on Friday.

Final Transcripts

Grads are reminded that if you wish to have a final official transcript sent to your post-secondary institution(s), please get the bright orange forms found in guidance and on the sign-in table at the office handed into Eric Scott at the main office before you are finished for the semester. The month of June is going to be busy with exams/demonstration of learning, and grad events, so please plan ahead and try to get these forms handed in prior to exam week so you do not miss out on getting your transcripts submitted.

Student Aid

Applications for 2024-25 government student financial aid are available online. For more information and to apply, students can visit

Summer School

Here is the new website link for the 2024 summer school  program:

The site does not accept registrations until Monday, June 3rd but the information on the site is up to date.

Distance Summer Learning

A reminder that Guidance will be registering students for Distance Summer Learning through the Department of Education up to June 7th.  Please see a counsellor for the list of courses offered if you wish to be registered.   There is an expected time commitment of 4 hours/day for these courses. 

Final Assessment Week June 10 – 14th

The final assessment week schedule has been shared with students and is posted on the school website.  Students must speak with each of their 5 subject teachers to know the final assessment plan for each course.  (Project, interview, presentation, written exam)

Parents/Guardians of students with incomplete work (that would allow for successful completion of a course) will receive a letter outlining when their child should report during the afternoons of assessment week  from MONDAY – WEDNESDAY.

The last day of classes is Friday, June 7th



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